Monday, March 10, 2025

Q-Dir (the Quad Explorer)

 Q-Dir is a great alternative file manager for Windows with a amazing Quadro-View technique.

You don't have to give up your usual work habits, drag 'n' drop, view types, and other standard functions of your current file manager.

No! Q-Dir gives you extra useful functions to make you happy. Save time by reducing mouse-clicks and hand movements .

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Optimize windows for audio

The Ultimate Guide To Optimizing Your Windows Computer For Live Music Performance

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Disable file grouping in Downloads

Completely disable file grouping, always, everywhere, in all windows, dialogs, everything!

Monday, October 23, 2023

Stop windows explorer from grouping

Use WinSetView to turn off file grouping globally.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Win 10 utils

  • Files
  • Windows Sysinternals
  • Belarc Advisor
  • MiniTool Partition Wizard
  • PowerToys

Monday, May 3, 2021

Recover Windows key from disk

Use Nirsoft’s ProduKey:

Run the program as Admin (it will show your own key by default)

Press F9 to bring up the Select Source dialog

Select Load the product keys from external Software Registry hive

Browse to the SOFTWARE registry hive. For example, if you have the drive from the other system mounted as drive Z:, then you would probably select Z:\Windows\System32\Config\SOFTWARE

Click [OK]

Save info as TXT file

Monday, April 19, 2021


Capture animated GIF from desktop

Friday, April 9, 2021

BSOD - PNP error

The main culprit for this annoying error for some is the Intel Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Manager Driver, or the Intel DPTF Manager Driver.

Intel DPTF Manager

Do you have another computer you can connect the drive to and use autoruns to hopefully identify and disable the drivers causing the crash? You'd use the "File -> Analyze offline system..." menu item.

In the Options you'll want to hide Microsoft and Windows entries as disabling those can easily make the system unbootable.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

How to show keystrokes on Windows 10


The app is open source and doesn’t need to be installed. When you run it, to goes straight to the system tray. By default it will show keystrokes as well as mouse clicks, highlighting which mouse button was clicked. The first thing you want to do after running the app is customize it. Double-click the app’s icon in the system tray to open its settings.

On the General Tab, you can select where the keystroke shows on your screen. Use the top, bottom, left, and right offset sliders to position the visual. Carnac supports multiple monitors so you can choose which monitor the keystroke should be displayed on. Be careful with this setting because if you offset it too much from all sides, it might cut the visual off.

Once you’ve positioned the app’s visual, go to the Keyboard tab. Here you can customize whether the app will show all keystrokes or just those that include modifier keys. You can also customize the visual, its font size, opacity, and the color.

The Mouse tab is where you can customize how mouse clicks are shown on your screen. If you don’t want the mouse clicks to show, uncheck the ‘Show mouse clicks’ option. This option is a bit buggy though so if it doesn’t apply, set the value of the Stop Opacity slider to 1, exit the app, and run it again. That should do the trick.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

LibreOffice Writer - Outline Folding Mode

 Outline folding mode

Added a new Writer outline folding mode (as experimental feature). You should enable experimental features in Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Advanced dialog to see "Show outline content visibility button" checkbox in Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice Writer ▸ View dialog. After checking it you'll can see a button with arrow near any selected heading in your document. Click on it to fold all text from the current heading to next heading. Right click on it to fold all text from current heading to next the same level heading with all its subheadings

Monday, January 25, 2021

Sunday, January 17, 2021

WhatsApp yourself


  •  escribe en la barra ‘’, donde todas esas ‘X’ son los 9 dígitos de tu número de teléfono, incluido el código de país -recuerda que en España es 34-.
  • Después solo debes pulsar donde pone ‘Ir’ para que se active la función ‘Clic para chatear’ de WhatsApp.
 WhatsApp permite fijar hasta tres conversaciones en la parte superior del listado,

En Android, mantén el dedo presionando sobre el chat que quieras fijar y cuando se seleccione toca el icono del ‘pin’ o chincheta que aparece en la parte superior de la pantalla. Para desfijarlo solo tienes que presionar de nuevo y, esta vez, tocar el icono del ‘pin’ que aparece tachado.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

PDF unlock

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Blender Screencast

Screencast keys is now an external addon (it was formerly distributed with blender, but has since been removed).,corner%20of%20the%203D%20View

Logitech webcam log file

 LWSDebugOut.txt is a logitech file that captures errors. In my case 1.8GB of errors. This is because a new error record is appended every 5 seconds that the webcam is not connected.

The file is ok to delete. Better yet, Windows 10 can control the camera, so might as well uninstall the program.

- deleted, made read only, and stopped its insatiable growth desires at 8K.- 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

My Notes Chrome extension

Win 10 Reliability Monitor

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Linux on Win10


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

add Icon to "open in new window" in right click menu

add Icon to "open in new window" in right click menu

Open Registry Editor (Win/Run/regedit).
Navigate to the following Registry key:

In the right pane, create a String value (REG_SZ) named Icon
Double-click Icon and type the path to an icon (.ico) file, or mention the icon library file name and the icon index.


All the Shell32.dll icons:

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Gmail delete BIG files

size:5mb has:attachment

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Windows Update Blocker

disable Volume PopUp bar

Open the Google Chrome browser and type the following text in the address bar:


To disable it in Chrome, (and most Chrome variants), disable Media Session Service in about:flags ...


Image viewers






How to set default photo viewer:


Friday, December 27, 2019

Win 10 init settings

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Since 1999, Rhizome has developed software in-house to support its artistic program. Today, we build free, open-source, and broadly applicable software for born-digital art and culture, with a digital preservation focus.

Our premier open-source platform and hosted service ( to revolutionize web archiving; easily create and share high-fidelity, fully interactive copies of almost any website.

Webrecorder Player
A user-friendly desktop app to browse any web archive (created by Webrecorder or any other tools) on a Windows, OSX or Linux machine, without need for an internet connection.
Surf the web the old-fashioned way with this tool to explore web archives through emulated legacy browsers.

A full-featured free and open-source, high-fidelity web archive replay and recording system (a more advanced version of the Wayback Machine) that serves as the core of Rhizome’s web archiving toolset.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Enhanced explorer & Toolbars

Folder Guide lets you access frequently used folders quickly in 2 clicks in Windows

Folder View is a free (freeware) add-on for Windows that drastically enhances the way you browse the folders on your system.

Files are often scattered around many different folders on the harddisk and locations on the network. Every time you want to copy, move, open or save a file, this situation leads you to a quest through levels of folders.

With Folder View, these quests are over. Folder View enhances the Windows file Explorer by making all folders you need available in a single click. It integrates with other applications, speeding up opening and saving of files and also lets you copy and move files very quickly. Click the screenshot on the right to get an overview of the features.

17 Windows Explorer Extensions & Replacements

17 Windows Explorer Extensions & Replacements

Focusrite Guide on Optimising your PC for Audio on Windows 10

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Video download (& MP3)

Any Video Converter Free Edition

Record any audio

Mp3 MY MP3 Sound Recorder

Monday, April 22, 2019

Grid paper

  • Writing and Bullet Journalling
  • Plain Grids
  • Patterns
  • Recording and Charting
  • Classic Writing
  • Specialty
  • Graph Paper Quick Picks

Hex Grids

Hexagonal Graph Paper PDF Generator

Sunday, October 7, 2018

outliners & doc writers

A distraction-free Markdown editor for Windows and Linux
Stylish. Open source. Free.

Atomic Scribbler
free software to plan your novel, prepare and maintain research material, then write that novel scene by scene in a modern Windows application that has a similar look and feel to Microsoft Word.
Outliner. Note & research manager.

Writemonkey is a Windows zenware* writing application with an extremely stripped down user interface, leaving you alone with your thoughts and your words. It is light, fast and free. With an array of innovative tools under the hood and full Markdown* support, it helps you write better.

A Scrivener alternative.
This software gives you an outliner, a distraction-free mode, a note manager and much more.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Mute MIC on startup.

MicMute is a small program that will enable you to easily manage the level of a connected microphone. The application also supports push-to-talk thanks to the built-in 'Transmitter Mode'. While it runs minimized in the system tray, MicMute? can be controlled trough keyboard shortcuts you choose. The software uses tray notification balloons and it also has a sound signal option you can activate.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Bulk Crap Uninstaller

Bulk Crap Uninstaller (also known as BCUninstaller), is a free, open source program uninstaller for Windows® OS. It is a powerful program capable of detecting and removing orphaned applications, clean leftovers, filter the program type (such as those that belong to Microsoft) and more. It was designed as a tool for the tech users, but it can be easy enough to be understood and used by anyone. Bulk Crap Uninstaller will run on almost all Microsoft® Windows® OS.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Disk LED

TrayStatus shows you the status of keyboard keys like Caps Lock, Num Lock, Scroll Lock, Alt, Ctrl, and more, right in your system tray.

DiskLED is a small tool that displays performance counter data using an animated system tray icon.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Uninstall KB4056892 on Windows 10 – Intel Meltdown, Spectre Bug Patch

Uninstall KB4056892 on Windows 10 – Intel Meltdown, Spectre Bug Patch

  1. Click Start and type “cmd”
  2. Right-click Command Prompt and choose Run as administrator
  3. Type “wusa /uninstall /kb:4056892” and press enter
  4. Answer Yes to uninstall & restart when prompted

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Outliner / notes

A hierarchical note taking application, featuring rich text and syntax highlighting, storing data in a single xml or sqlite file.

Written by Giuseppe Penone (aka giuspen).

Monday, January 8, 2018

Outliner for LibreOffice

Organon is a plugin for LibreOffice and OpenOffice.
Organon allows to split up large texts into parts, allows tagging and opening parts of the project in new tabs.
  • Parts are shown in a treeview. Entries can be moved by drag and drop.
  • Every entry can be tagged.
  • Tags are freely configurable, can be renamed, created and deleted. Organon's Organizer is a fast way of showing and editing all tags at once.
  • Tabs can be opened based on these tags. They also might freely be chosen from the folders and files of the project and they might be sorted by date and/or time.

Organon offers extensive import and export options.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Delete duplicate files


Duplicate Search Mode

Starting from version 1.35, SearchMyFiles also allows you to search duplicate files on your system. In order to use this feature, simply change the search mode in the 'Search Options' window to 'Duplicates Search'. 
When you switch to 'Duplicates Search' mode, all other search options are still relevant, and SearchMyFiles will scan your files according to these settings. For example: if you choose to search for files larger than 500KB, SearchMyFiles will only search for duplicate files that their size is larger than 500KB. In fact, it's highly recommended to narrow your duplicate search by using date/size restrictions, because if you don't do it, the duplicate search will be very slow, and it'll consume a large amount of memory.
When you are in 'Duplicates Search' mode, SearchMyFiles will first scan all files and folders according to your settings, and only after the scan is finished, it'll locate the duplicate files and add them to the files list on the main window. SearchMyFiles automatically mark the duplicate files with identical colors (up to 64 different colors). There is also a 'Duplicate Number' column, which displays identical number for each chunk of duplicate files. You can click the 'Duplicate Number' column header in order to sort by this column and to easily view the chunks of duplicate files.
Be aware that the duplicate search is done by making a binary comparison of the files with the same size, byte by byte.

Delete MAC crap garbage files

Win+R -> cmd

del /s /q /f /a .DS_STORE

del /s /q /f /a ._.*

(change drive, repeat)

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


FreeFileSync is a free data backup software that helps you synchronize files and synchronize folders. It is designed to save your time setting up and running data backups while having nice visual feedback along the way. FreeFileSync is Open Source software, available for Windows, Linux and macOS.


Detect Moved Files
FreeFileSync is able to detect moved files on one side and can quickly apply the same move on the target side during synchronization instead of a slow copy and delete. To make this work, FreeFileSync requires database files (sync.ffs_db) to compare the current file system state against the time of the last synchronization.

The Two way variant already creates database files, therefore, detection of moved files is always active.

The Mirror variant however, does not need the database files to find synchronization directions, so detection of moved files is not available by default. If you don't mind the creation of the database files, you can enable this feature by selecting the Detect moved files checkbox.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

DLC Boot

DLC Boot 2017 is a bundle of diagnostic tools which used for different types of works like disk cloning and imaging creation. Sometimes we do not know where the error occurs in our computers and install windows again and again for better performance. In the solution of this problem, developers create this fantastic program it fixes the various PC errors just in minutes. It;s create on the Hiren’s BootCD base, but in this version, they add some advanced features.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Reaper Step MIDI editor

This plug-in looks like a step sequencer, but is a MIDI item editor.
It allows you to edit notes on different tracks within one measure bounds
inside a beat grid, by toggling grid cells. You can move from one measure to another.

Reaper extension free/paid(12$)

Monday, September 4, 2017

Pd GEM px objects

Pd data from arduino

Context Menu Editors

Add, Remove, Edit Context Menu items in Windows 10/8/7 with Context Menu Editors

Ultimate Windows CustomizerRight-Click Extender for Windows and Context Menu Editor for Windows are freeware releases from the Windows Club, and you may want to check them out.
2) ContextEdit will allow you easily control the items that appear on your context menu of Windows Explorer.

 You can also try ShellExtView or  ShellMenuView. They are small utilities that display the list of static menu items that appear in the context menu when you right-click a file/folder in Windows Explorer, and allow you to easily disable or edit unwanted menu items.

4) File Menu Tools (link removed) lets you add, delete & customize the context menu items of the Windows Explorer – but it NOW comes bundled with a lot of crapware, according to the comments below.

5] If you are you looking for a fast and easy way to clean up your Window Explorer and Internet Explorer right-click context menu, try MenuMaid.

6] Easy Context Menu freeware will let you add a Program or Icon to the right-click menu.
7] Read this post if you want to remove items from the “New” Context Menu.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Small Word Processors





Bulk Crap Uninstaller

Bulk Crap Uninstaller (or BCUninstaller) is a free (as in speech) program uninstaller. It excels at removing large amounts of applications with minimal user input. It can clean up leftovers, detect orphaned applications, run uninstallers according to premade lists, and much more! Even though BCU was made with IT pros in mind, by default it is so straight-forward that anyone can use it.

BCU is fully compatible with Windows Store Apps, Steam, Windows Features and has special support for many uninstalling systems (NSIS, InnoSetup, Msiexec, and many other).

Open Hardware Monitor

The Open Hardware Monitor is a free open source software that monitors temperature sensors, fan speeds, voltages, load and clock speeds of a computer.
The Open Hardware Monitor supports most hardware monitoring chips found on todays mainboards. The CPU temperature can be monitored by reading the core temperature sensors of Intel and AMD processors. The sensors of ATI and Nvidia video cards as well as SMART hard drive temperature can be displayed. The monitored values can be displayed in the main window, in a customizable desktop gadget, or in the system tray. The free Open Hardware Monitor software runs on 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 and any x86 based Linux operating systems without installation.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Win10 search not working

    1. Right-click the Start button.
    2. Click Control Panel.
    3. Click Category near the top right corner of the window.
  1. Click Troubleshooting.
    Click System and Security.
  2. Right-click Search and Indexing.
    Click Run as Administrator.
  3. Click Next. Troubleshooter will detect problems.
    Click the checkbox next to any problems you're encountering. In this case we click Files don't appear in search results.
  4. Click Next. Troubleshooter will detect any problems.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Monday, November 21, 2016

change VST path

Push the keys windows + r to open the run dialog and type regedit.

The Registry Editor will open

Backup the registry (file, Export…, export range = all)



Find and click on VST

You will see two entries one says default – (value not set) and the other might for example say VSTPluginsPath – C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase 6\VstPlugins double click on this one.

Modify the data to the desired folder address (" C:\VST\") (or so...)


Sunday, September 4, 2016


Protocoder is a coding environment + Javascript framework for quick prototyping and experimentation on Android devices.
Install the app in your Android device and access the web IDE from your computer. Code in javascript using the Protocoder framework. No need to write dozends of lines to access sensors or write an UI, simple to use, fast to code.
Protocoder wants to share the philosophy of amazing projects such as, Pure Data, Open Street Maps and many more. That's why they are included so you can start using them straight away.