Monday, December 8, 2014
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Magic - data from web page
Magic allows users to paste in a URL into a search box, hit a 'Get Data' button and then turns that page into a table of data or API without the need for any training or anything to download or install. What stands out is really the simplicity, the speed and the convenience of the output.
(from )
(from )
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Hide desktop.ini from desktop
Simple: click the "hide" box only in Desktop folder
(In Windows Classic view)
Go to Windows Explorer; click on Desktop. Go to Tools/Folder Options. Click View, and check "Hide protected operating system files" - but, DO NOT CLICK "APPLY TO ALL FOLDERS". Just click OK.
Now, only the Desktop folder will hide the files but they will still show up in all other folders.
(In Windows Classic view)
Go to Windows Explorer; click on Desktop. Go to Tools/Folder Options. Click View, and check "Hide protected operating system files" - but, DO NOT CLICK "APPLY TO ALL FOLDERS". Just click OK.
Now, only the Desktop folder will hide the files but they will still show up in all other folders.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Borderless games
Games are best when played full screen, but many won't play nice with Alt+Tab in full screen mode—which means you can't look at your browser for a guide or change the music playing in the background. Borderless Gaming fixes that problem.
Many games have a "borderless windowed" mode, which perfectly balances the optimal full-screen view with the ability to use other programs on your computer. Other games, however, do not—their "windowed mode" plays the game in an actual window, and who wants that?
Borderless Gaming is simple to use: Just set your game of choice to Windowed Mode, start it up along with the portable Borderless Gaming app, and find your game in Borderless Gaming's left-hand column. Click the arrow to add it to the right-hand column, and it should immediately switch to a borderless window, so you can Alt+Tab with ease.
It doesn't necessarily work for every game, but it should work with quite a few—we found that it worked great with Skyrim, and Ghacks notes that it also works for Terraria, DayZ, and Fallout 3. So try it out with your favorite game and see if it solves your Alt+Tab Woes.
Borderless Gaming | GitHub via Ghacks
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Dual Monitor Windows 8
Stop mouse inside first screen (for stage projections: Isadora, Pd, Processing, Jitter...)
Argus Boot Accelerator shortens your system's boot time.
Argus Boot Accelerator speeds up your boot process by managing your startup programs. Usually Windows would start all of them at the same time during the boot process, demanding data from your hard disk faster than it can deliver them. Argus Boot Accelerator will start them sequentially.
You can specify the order in which the programs will be started, set the waiting time before the next startup program is started and use advanced options like preventing the start of a program until the CPU and/or hard disk drive are idle.
Argus Boot Accelerator speeds up your boot process by managing your startup programs. Usually Windows would start all of them at the same time during the boot process, demanding data from your hard disk faster than it can deliver them. Argus Boot Accelerator will start them sequentially.
You can specify the order in which the programs will be started, set the waiting time before the next startup program is started and use advanced options like preventing the start of a program until the CPU and/or hard disk drive are idle.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
GEGeek Tech Toolkit
GEGeek designed Tech Toolkit for computer repair technicians. It includes apps for finding malware and diagnosing computer problems. It also has portable versions off popular apps like Firefox and Reader, but mostly focuses on system diagnostic, malware removal and windows repair apps. The downloaded kit has over 250 apps.
Best of all: the suite always stays up to date. It uses Ketarin to find the latest updates for the included programs.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Notepad++ Reaper themes syntax highlighting
Je fais beaucoup de theming pour Reaper en ce moment, et j’utilise Notepad ++ pour cela.
Désireux d’optimiser mon confort de travail, j’ai pris le temps de créer un fichier de Lange Prédéfini Utilisateur (UDL) pour Notepad ++. Ainsi, je peux bénéficier d’une colorisation syntaxique adaptée au theming pour Reaper
Bien sûr, j’ai uploadé le fichier sur le site des Ressources pour Reaper afin que tout le monde puisse en bénéficier
A savoir : la colorisation syntaxique a été pensée pour le theme Notepad ++ Blackboard Theme, mais j’ai fait une variante pour le thème par défaut ! Cependant, n’hésitez pas à le modifier pour votre thème !
Désireux d’optimiser mon confort de travail, j’ai pris le temps de créer un fichier de Lange Prédéfini Utilisateur (UDL) pour Notepad ++. Ainsi, je peux bénéficier d’une colorisation syntaxique adaptée au theming pour Reaper

Bien sûr, j’ai uploadé le fichier sur le site des Ressources pour Reaper afin que tout le monde puisse en bénéficier

A savoir : la colorisation syntaxique a été pensée pour le theme Notepad ++ Blackboard Theme, mais j’ai fait une variante pour le thème par défaut ! Cependant, n’hésitez pas à le modifier pour votre thème !
Friday, September 5, 2014
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Phonopaper es una aplicación que te permite imprimir sonidos, ya sea música y o tus palabras. Y luego reproducirlos con la misma app.
El software está basado en el sintetizador ANS que el ingeniero ruso Evgeny Murzin creó entre 1938 y 1958. Este invento fue nombrado en honor del compositos Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin y ha sido usado por varios artistas rusos. Aunque seguramente te suene de películas como Solaris de Andrei Tarkovsky.
El software está basado en el sintetizador ANS que el ingeniero ruso Evgeny Murzin creó entre 1938 y 1958. Este invento fue nombrado en honor del compositos Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin y ha sido usado por varios artistas rusos. Aunque seguramente te suene de películas como Solaris de Andrei Tarkovsky.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Photo Mechanic
Photo Mechanic is a standalone image browser and workflow accelerator
that lets you view your digital photos with convenience and speed.
Photo Mechanic’s super fast browsing enables you to quickly Ingest, Edit and Export, taking the work out of your workflow. Its powerful batch processing, full support for image variables, IPTC and Exif metadata, make it the perfect tool for any digital photographer.
Photo Mechanic’s super fast browsing enables you to quickly Ingest, Edit and Export, taking the work out of your workflow. Its powerful batch processing, full support for image variables, IPTC and Exif metadata, make it the perfect tool for any digital photographer.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
fix windows explorer folder jumps
This is an extremely annoying bug in Windows 7. Because of so many user complaints going on for YEARS, Microsoft finally called it a "bug" instead of a "feature". However, Microsoft isn't going to fix it in Windows 7, but they finally did fix it in later versions of Windows 8 before final release. (Microsoft's ongoing business model of actually profiting from bugs by making users pay for upgrades that fix basic design flaws -- or maybe don't.) See
HERE'S A FIX: Install the solid freeware app Classic Shell, which tweaks both Explorer and Start Menu behaviors. Among many useful features, it has one called "Fix folder scrolling" that solves the problem of the selected folder jumping to the bottom of the pane.
Also, there is another closely related "feature" annoyance you can fix in Classic Shell. Disable the folder pane's horizontal scrollbar, and the folder list won't suddenly jump to the right when clicking on a folder with a long path. You can still see the full name by hovering the cursor over what you CAN see.
A few independent programmers can fix these problems, but Microsoft's army of well-compensated coders can't. Well, not CAN'T -- it's WON'T. Their managers won't let them. There's not a dime in profit in fixing these bugs for current users, so they won't. Security fixes are different, however, primarily because of liability issues for Microsoft.
HERE'S A FIX: Install the solid freeware app Classic Shell, which tweaks both Explorer and Start Menu behaviors. Among many useful features, it has one called "Fix folder scrolling" that solves the problem of the selected folder jumping to the bottom of the pane.
Also, there is another closely related "feature" annoyance you can fix in Classic Shell. Disable the folder pane's horizontal scrollbar, and the folder list won't suddenly jump to the right when clicking on a folder with a long path. You can still see the full name by hovering the cursor over what you CAN see.
A few independent programmers can fix these problems, but Microsoft's army of well-compensated coders can't. Well, not CAN'T -- it's WON'T. Their managers won't let them. There's not a dime in profit in fixing these bugs for current users, so they won't. Security fixes are different, however, primarily because of liability issues for Microsoft.
MS forum:
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Monday, March 3, 2014
Wolfram programming language
More than any other computing language, knowledge about the world is
built into the Wolfram Language, which is exactly what powers the
WolframAlpha search engine. In addition, functions for seemingly
everything — over 5,000 of them — are built right into the language,
which enables you to create user interfaces, graphics objects, graphs,
and more, programmatically.
“The knowledge graph is a vastly less ambitious project than what we’ve been doing at Wolfram Alpha,” he told VentureBeat when we asked him about its relation to Google’ knowledge projects. “Making the world computable is a much higher bar than being able to generate Wikipedia-style information … a very different thing. What we’ve tried to do is insanely more ambitious.”
“The knowledge graph is a vastly less ambitious project than what we’ve been doing at Wolfram Alpha,” he told VentureBeat when we asked him about its relation to Google’ knowledge projects. “Making the world computable is a much higher bar than being able to generate Wikipedia-style information … a very different thing. What we’ve tried to do is insanely more ambitious.”

Friday, February 28, 2014
TransMIDIfier provides convenient MIDI routing and virtual instrument patch switching and customization for the working musician. TransMIDIfier works by functioning as a "middle man" between the sequencer and the sample player. TransMIDIfier reinterprets the incoming MIDI data in powerful ways before passing it along to the sample player.
Key Features
Switch among instrument patches from a single MIDI track via keyswitches or program changes, regardless of sample player.
Selectively combine multiple, arbitrary instrument patches from different manufacturers to create powerful new sounds.
Apply transformations to MIDI data to customize instrument behavior and performance.
Key Features
Switch among instrument patches from a single MIDI track via keyswitches or program changes, regardless of sample player.
Selectively combine multiple, arbitrary instrument patches from different manufacturers to create powerful new sounds.
Apply transformations to MIDI data to customize instrument behavior and performance.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
QGifer is a tool for extracting part of a video to an animated GIF file.

DeleD game engine
DeleD is a 3D modeler designed to help you create content for your game project, whether you're a professional or indy game developer. Other areas in which you can put DeleD to good use are, for example, educational services, webdesign, prototyping and image creation.
DeleD focusses on five areas to provide in your daily modeling needs. These are:
Whatever you create with DeleD, is yours to use.
DeleD focusses on five areas to provide in your daily modeling needs. These are:
- Geometry Editing: DeleD has lots of tools to modify 3D objects, including Smoothing and Boolean Operators
- Animation: DeleD provides a basic animation system allowing you to create animated objects in no-time
- UV Mapping: DeleD has a build-in UV editor, enabling you to skin your objects in detail
- Lightmapping: DeleD lights up your world with advanced lightmapping functions
- Raytracing: DeleD can create stunning pictures with its build-in raytracer
License Free
Anything you create with DeleD is license free. This means that you can use whatever you make with DeleD for your own purposes, whether commercially or not. No license fees, no legal strings.Whatever you create with DeleD, is yours to use.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014
mp3 tag
Mp3tag is a powerful and yet easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of common audio formats where it supports ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, iTunes MP4, WMA, Vorbis Comments and APE Tags.
It can rename files based on the tag information, replace characters or words in tags and filenames, import/export tag information, create playlists and more.
Mp3tag supports online database lookups from, e.g., Amazon, discogs, or freedb, allowing you to automatically gather proper tags and cover art for your music library.
It can rename files based on the tag information, replace characters or words in tags and filenames, import/export tag information, create playlists and more.
Mp3tag supports online database lookups from, e.g., Amazon, discogs, or freedb, allowing you to automatically gather proper tags and cover art for your music library.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Color color swatches, grandients, brushes, patterns...
Converts between Photoshop, Gimp, Inkscape, Scribus, Xara, OpenOffice...
Color color swatches, grandients, brushes, patterns...
Converts between Photoshop, Gimp, Inkscape, Scribus, Xara, OpenOffice...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Secret Feature in Ableton Live: Show Devices / Plugins on Tracks
Secret Feature in Ableton Live: Show Devices / Plugins on Tracks
- Create a text file called Options.txt (this has to be in plain text format).
- Inside the file write ‘-ShowDeviceSlots’ (without the apostrophes).
- Place the file in the same folder where Live’s Preferences.cfg file is located (this folder could be hidden, see instructions below).

Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Prototyping interfaces book
VVVV book
Not too long ago, the outcomes of a design process used to be in the form of a static medium. Today it is increasingly interactions – things that have a behavior. This not only fundamentally changes the design process, but also your life as a designer!
You are increasingly driving nonlinear processes, which are aiming towards a goal, that is not exactly defined at the beginning. The approach to this goal is very iterative through interactive sketches and by working with prototypes. Therefore you use new tools like vvvv and Arduino. And by working with prototypes, you’ll discover answers to questions that you haven’t even asked before.
Not too long ago, the outcomes of a design process used to be in the form of a static medium. Today it is increasingly interactions – things that have a behavior. This not only fundamentally changes the design process, but also your life as a designer!
You are increasingly driving nonlinear processes, which are aiming towards a goal, that is not exactly defined at the beginning. The approach to this goal is very iterative through interactive sketches and by working with prototypes. Therefore you use new tools like vvvv and Arduino. And by working with prototypes, you’ll discover answers to questions that you haven’t even asked before.

Monday, January 20, 2014
FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec - the leading audio/video codec library.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Make things with Minecraft
Printcraft is the world's first 3D printing multi-player Minecraft server
Download your Minecraft models to print on your 3D printer or order models online and have them printed and delivered
Printcraft is the world's first 3D printing multi-player Minecraft server
Download your Minecraft models to print on your 3D printer or order models online and have them printed and delivered

Friday, January 17, 2014
VSTForx is a full-modular effect network creation tool which comes as a VST-plugin. With VSTForx you are able to load any number of VST-plugins and connect them anyway you want.
Additional modules allow you to manipulate such signal chains and offer a whole new way in mixing and producing.

Deep History
Deep History Chrome Addon
Deeper History searches page titles and the text that was on the page you were viewing so you can find what you were looking for.
(type "dh" to enter Deeper History, type in your keywords, and look through the results), and once you're in it, type any word you remember being on the page you want to get back to.
The add-on works by essentially building a database of information from all of the pages you visit. It doesn't use your actual browser history at all—it starts working from install time forward, and it keeps its own database locally (never uploaded or shared.) You can see what's in it or delete it at any time. The developer behind the extension has plenty of notes in the Chrome Web Store about what the tool does and doesn't do with your data.
Deeper History searches page titles and the text that was on the page you were viewing so you can find what you were looking for.
(type "dh" to enter Deeper History, type in your keywords, and look through the results), and once you're in it, type any word you remember being on the page you want to get back to.
The add-on works by essentially building a database of information from all of the pages you visit. It doesn't use your actual browser history at all—it starts working from install time forward, and it keeps its own database locally (never uploaded or shared.) You can see what's in it or delete it at any time. The developer behind the extension has plenty of notes in the Chrome Web Store about what the tool does and doesn't do with your data.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Airdroid + Twister
Manage your Android from a web browser, all over the air.
Peer-to-peer microblogging
twister is the fully decentralized P2P microblogging platform leveraging from the free software implementations of Bitcoin and BitTorrent protocols.
Peer-to-peer microblogging
twister is the fully decentralized P2P microblogging platform leveraging from the free software implementations of Bitcoin and BitTorrent protocols.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Texture + normal +... maps - auto gend!!
Free alternative:
Texture + normal +... maps - auto gend!!
Free alternative:

Tuesday, January 7, 2014
MusicBee musicplayer
If you are looking for an application geared toward managing extensive music collections, easy to use and with a comprehensive feature set - MusicBee is that application.
MusicBee makes it easy to organize, find and play music files on your computer, on portable devices and on the web.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Macro photo with old lens
I capture snowflakes at open balcony of my house, mostly on glass surface, lighted by LED flashlight from opposite side of glass, and sometimes in natural light, using dark woolen fabrics as background.
On a floor of a balcony I put the turned stool (legs up), on them - a glass plate. Previously, i shoot using Canon A650's standard macro mode. For this, from a small plastic bottle I cut central cylindrical part in the form of a tube (height 5.5 cm). This height I picked up so that the lens of the camera, pushed in a tube, will be at distance 1 centimeter from the bottom (this is minimum focusing distance of Canon A650 in macro mode). I just put this cylinder with the camera's lens within it over the chosen snowflake, the lens looks vertically down.
Recently, i built simple macro addon for the camera. I used lens Helios 44M-5 from old USSR SLR camera Zenit (here is short description in wikipedia). At first, i attached these lens at narrow wooden board (around 30 cm long), reversed: a back lens to snowflake, front lens to camera, and drilled in a board an opening for a screw suitable to tripod nest of the camera. Then camera is put on a board so that the lens in the maximum optical zoom mode (6x) touched Helios lens and looked straight into them.
On a floor of a balcony I put the turned stool (legs up), on them - a glass plate. Previously, i shoot using Canon A650's standard macro mode. For this, from a small plastic bottle I cut central cylindrical part in the form of a tube (height 5.5 cm). This height I picked up so that the lens of the camera, pushed in a tube, will be at distance 1 centimeter from the bottom (this is minimum focusing distance of Canon A650 in macro mode). I just put this cylinder with the camera's lens within it over the chosen snowflake, the lens looks vertically down.
Recently, i built simple macro addon for the camera. I used lens Helios 44M-5 from old USSR SLR camera Zenit (here is short description in wikipedia). At first, i attached these lens at narrow wooden board (around 30 cm long), reversed: a back lens to snowflake, front lens to camera, and drilled in a board an opening for a screw suitable to tripod nest of the camera. Then camera is put on a board so that the lens in the maximum optical zoom mode (6x) touched Helios lens and looked straight into them.

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